Additional Services

LATAN is here to support you and your family. For more information, please contact

Additional Services

Training Activities

As the premier agency for Assistive Technology (AT) in Louisiana, LATAN provides training on AT Products and Services; AT Funding, Policy and Practice; IT and Telecommunication Access; AT in Emergency Preparedness; and AT in Transition.

The purpose of LATAN training activities is to increase participants’ knowledge, skills and competencies with regard to Assistive Technology. Each training activity offers clearly defined learning objectives and provides participants with resources related to the training delivered.

Each LATAN training event is designed to target a specific type of participant group. Some training events are specific to individuals with disabilities, older people and wounded warriors and their family members while other trainings are specific to professionals who serve them.

To schedule a training event, contact us at

Transition Services
Transition services provide information about the needs for assistive technology as one moves from high school to post-secondary education or employment. Also, this caters to those entering or maintaining community living outside of institutional settings.

Aging in Place
LATAN provides training and a resource manual “Assistive Technology for Aging in Place” to train older individuals who want to remain in community settings, their caregivers and service providers, and individuals who want to transition out of institutions into the community. Hospital discharge planners also receive this transition training and technical assistance. For more information, please call the LATAN office.

Training for Special Educators
LATAN’s plans include collaborating with the Department of Education Louisiana Assistive Technology Initiative regional centers and the Louisiana Rehabilitation Services to develop a training module that will be used to train special educators, vocational rehabilitation counselors, parents, and students involved in transition with the skills and knowledge they need to successfully include AT in all transition planning.

Technical Assistance
In addition, LATAN provides technical assistance to the long-term service and support task forces in state agencies. This is utilized as a way to enhance the functional abilities of people transitioning to community settings from nursing homes and other institutional settings.

Technical Assistance
LATAN provides technical assistance to agencies and organizations by request. These are just some of the areas in which LATAN has provided technical assistance:

  • Barrier-free housing
  • Visit-ability
  • Universal design
  • Long-term supports and services
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Transition
Information & Assistance
LATAN maintains an extensive list of resources for individuals with disabilities, and our staff is knowledgeable on AT topics ranging from adapted housing to ZoomText.

LATAN’s Information & Assistance services helped 582 people this year by explaining AT products and services, assisting consumers in finding funding for AT, and providing information on general disability topics and resources.

Emergency Preparedness
Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN) urges Louisiana residents who use Assistive Technology (AT) to make plans and become prepared to be able to evacuate with all AT devices and components necessary for independent daily living in the face of hurricanes or other disasters.

In addition to being personally prepared for all disasters, LATAN offers the following checklist of suggestions that users of AT can follow when faced with evacuation:

  1. Label all AT devices and components with owner’s name and contact info
  2. Post “how-to” instructions on big or complex devices for first responders and evacuation personnel
  3. If relying on local/state officials for evacuation, touch base with them and remind them of AT needs
  4. Keep devices charged
  5. Store chargers, extra batteries and adapters with devices
  6. Take a plastic zipper bag and electronic file (disc or flash drive) containing all AT info including:
    • Device name Manufacturer’s name & info
    • Model and Serial numbers
    • Vendor (Store’s/Seller’s) name & info
    • Date of purchase and copy of receipt if available
    • Copy of Doctor’s or Therapist’s prescription if available & contact info
    • Funder’s (i.e., Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance Co.) name, contact info, & policy numbers

Louisiana residents with access and functional needs may want to review the LATAN Emergency Preparedness Video© for tips on being prepared for disasters. This video is fully accessible through American Sign Language (ASL) and open captioning. For more information, call LATAN’s Emergency Preparedness program at 225.925.9500 or 1.800.270.6185.

©2009 LATAN Emergency Preparedness Video including “Preparedness, It’s Your Turn” presentation and “EAD Emergency Readiness Wheel”, both ©2007 EAD & Associates, LLC. All rights reserved and further reproduction prohibited without prior written permission.

Volunteer to help people with disabilities and the elderly in emergency shelters
After a disaster, people with disabilities and the elderly need your help during their stay in emergency shelters. YOU can help in so many ways.

You can read to someone who is blind, help orient someone to the shelter’s layout, assist with dressing, eating, getting in and out of his/her cot, getting to the restroom, etc. With your help, an already difficult experience can be a little less stressful. To volunteer go to

LATAN is here to support you and your family. For more information, please contact

LATAN is a 501(c)(3) statewide nonprofit organization with the mission to help people of all ages with functional limitations or disabilities to gain greater independence at work, home, or school through the use of Assistive Technology(AT).

Payment Options: We accept Healthy Blue, LA Healthcare Connections, AmeriHealth, Caritas, Medicare, Private Pay and a Sliding Fee Scale is available.

Device Demonstrations and items available on the AT Marketplace are available at no charge. For other services, such as the availability of Hotspots and tablets, assistance via the AT Lease program or Device Loan is available.

Note: For low-income families, additional options for acquisition are available.

For these services and more, LATAN can assist with navigating or even, tailoring a program to meet individual needs as applicable to ensure access to technology.

Safety: As an accredited AT/DME provider, LATAN has PPE available and has been following OSHA, CDC, and Medicare guidelines for proper cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing all devices on display in our Demo Center, as well as those available for borrowing and on the AT Marketplace. For individuals and families who are uncomfortable with face to face visits, services may be conducted virtually, and "some" devices may be shipped by mail.

Medicaid Fraud Hotline: 

Contact us for additional information.



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