Standing frames, also known as standing technology or standing devices, are an assistive technology that can be used by a person who relies on a wheelchair for mobility. The standing frame supports the individual in a standing position. The use of the device promotes a better quality of life for those living with paralysis. Benefits include improved respiratory function, blood pressure, and circulation, as well as increased muscle strength.
Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LATAN) is excited to announce a new program, Stand Up, Louisiana! Stand Up, Louisiana allows people of all ages living with paralysis to learn more about standing frames by providing standers on a temporary basis. If there is an interest in keeping the stander after the trial period, then LATAN will assist in securing permanent ownership.

On average, standing frame costs can range from $2,000 to $8,000 and are often not covered by health insurance. LATAN is removing that cost barrier with the Stand Up, Louisiana program with the hopes of offering not only trial access, but ownership.
We can provide demonstrations, training, and technical assistance to users, family members, caregivers, and rehabilitation professionals.
Stand Up, Louisiana is supported by a grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeves Foundation.
Contact Tiffany Johnlouis or Cynthia Cox for more information and to request referral forms. You can fill out our online form, send us an email at, or call us at 800-270-6185.